There are a great deal of requirements when it comes to serving in the Israel Defense Forces and sleep. Service conditions in the army span anywhere from stating that soldiers can sleep at least two nights a week at home. Four nights a week requires an official note from a Mental health officer. The placement of a solider is often determined by how many kilometers a unit is from the soldier’s home.

The right to sleep changes drastically when in army gear. This is why at American Friends of Libi we do our utmost to help lone combat soldiers. These soldiers put themselves on the line day in and day out. The most that we can do, at the very least, is to offer them a comfortable pillow and amenities when their true home is very far away.

The next time you go to sleep and recite your nightly blessing, consider for a moment those who protect Israel (or any country in which you reside) so that you can be afforded that peaceful rest.

This Chanukah and end of year, give the gift of sleep.

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