Facilities Built on idf Bases
Fully Equipped fitness rooms
Dollars left to Raise
Provide for the well-being of idf Soldiers
New and renovated buildings and facilities are fundamental for the well-being of the soldiers who use them daily.
Soldiers Clubhouses
Gyms and Spinning rooms
Recreational Corners
Landscaping & Environment
Multi Purpose Sports Fields
Auditorium & Cultural Centers
Welfare building
Build crucial Facilities on IDF Bases
LIBI USA funds the construction and equipment of various facilities for the increased well-being of IDF soldiers including; social clubs, fitness rooms, synagogues, cultural rooms, and recreation areas.
These facilities offer spots for much-needed rest and relaxation, keep soldiers fit, and enable bonding between soldiers. These facilities are used during off-duty hours as well as between military and training activities.

You Can Provide the Soldiers with the Spaces They Need
Sponsor Equipment
Your gift of $50 will go towards equipping a recreation or fitness room with equipment for the soldiers to recharge and relax.
Support IDF Soldiers
Sponsor Fitness Equipment
Your gift of $150 will go towards equipping a recreation or fitness room with equipment for the soldiers to recharge and relax.
Support IDF Soldiers
Sponsor a Room
Your gift of $1,000 will go towards equipping a recreation or fitness room with equipment for the soldiers to recharge and relax.