Citizens in Israel are excited.
On November 11, 2019, Amazon announced that orders $49 and above will ship to Israel, for free. That same day, Amazon launched its first official website, all in Hebrew. This development brings one less excuse not to support or send items to Israel.
As Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday and online sales surge, American Friends of Libi is excited that soldiers serving in the Israel Defense Forces will have an easier time getting items that they need. Lone soldiers, who leave their families either abroad or within Israel and other countries, have one less thing to miss. Bring a smile to a soldier and show your love for them this holiday season.
Better yet, when considering ways to support Israel’s heroic soldiers, American Friends of Libi has partnered with Amazon Smile so that your purchase offers donations. This is doubling your impact.
The next time you log into Amazon, we thank you for your support and keeping your thoughts with Israel.