Officers and soldiers are being ordered not to accept donations from well-wishers.
The IDF is bringing order to donations to its soldiers fighting in and around the Gaza Strip in Operation Protective Edge. Thousands, and even tens of thousands, of packages for soldiers have arrived containing food, clothing, personal hygiene items, etc.
The IDF is clarifying the regulations banning acceptance of donations, and instructing commanders of the forces in staging areas near Gaza and in Gaza itself to accept donations only from the Soldiers Welfare Association and the Libi Fund, not directly from civilians.
A senior defense source said, “These rules are not new; they are a clarification of rules that have always been in force. The IDF thanks and is grateful for civilians seeking to help soldiers, but also wants to maintain equality in donations and their regulation through the Soldiers Welfare Association and the Libi Fund.” The IDF is also seeking to maintain the safety of the many civilians traveling to the area near the Gaza Strip and the staging areas around there with gifts aimed at cheering up the soldiers. The packages include hot food, which download kmspico the IDF is unable to preserve properly for long. A number of soldiers have complained of gastroenteritis caused by spoiled food.
Soldiers in the field said they lacked for nothing; donations arriving are supplying all their needs, with a lot to spare.
From Globes