Our IDF soldiers have finally been released from their bases. Coronavirus broke out in full force at the beginning of March. To help protect the operational effective of the IDF, the IDF took the rare and unique decision to keep soldiers within their units for extended periods, call it base isolation, and not allow home visits. This created a unique and demanding situation for LIBI.
With many soldiers away from home for extend deployment and with the holidays of Passover, Yom Hashoah (Holocaust Memorial Day), Yom Hazikaron (National Memorial Day) and Yom Haatzmaut (Israel Independence Day), morale could be hit. LIBI took up the task to bring great food, entertainment, games, and fun to our IDF soldiers across Israel.
With the threat of Coronavirus reduce our soldiers can finally head home to their families. For many this has been a long 2+ months. Be safe, enjoy the time with your families and we look forward to seeing you back on base.