Israel’s Air Force recently began a state-of-the-art military exercise with the Air Force of the United States of America. Their joint operation, named “Juniper Falcon”, continued this week. The exercise simulates various scenarios in which Israel is...
“I wanted to be a combat soldier, no matter what.” Meet Sgt. Nathan, a soldier in the Nahal Brigade who was diagnosed with cancer at the age of six. Due to his medical history, he was at first found unfit for combat duty. However, his three-year-long fight...
The Israel Defense Forces’ aerial reconnaissance drones are a crucial piece in their defense of our country by any means necessary. Unfortunately, terror group Hezbollah shot down an IDF drone on Monday that was being used to preemptively prepare the...
A terrorist armed with three knives attached to a stick reached the Gush Etzion junction and tried to stab IDF servicemen operating in the area. We are grateful that the terrorist was neutralized without any casualties. “I was standing at the northern...